Thursday, May 8, 2014

S'mores, Bonfires, New Babies, Easter and Other Stuff

Since I last posted, we've spent our time between Brownwood and Lubbock, and between family and friends and taking care of business.  Most of it was fun stuff.  Some of it was just stuff that had to be done, but glad to get it done.

On February 28th, we were treated to a brand new great niece, Avery Hope.

Uncle Max, Big Sister Lynlee, Aunt Paula and baby Avery

What a sweet smile!

Tommy, the sweetest great nephew ever, invited us over to Nini and Pop's (Ranita and Terry) for s'mores around the campfire one evening. 

Sunny (great niece) is geared up and ready to roast
her some marshmallows.
I was trying to help Sunny roast a marshmallow.  It was taking a little while but she was being very patient.  As I tried to see well enough in the light of campfire to see if it was "just right", I heard her ask, "Is it ready?"  When I didn't respond right away, she said, "Yes or no?  Yes or no?"  You wonder where she hears THAT from!

Terry kept the fire going nicely for us.  At one point he was putting more wood on the fire when suddenly Sunny stood up, leaned toward him, and shouted, "You're freaking me out!" Not sure if she was afraid he was going to burn himself or us, but that coming from a little 2-year-old is pretty cute. 

Terry, Buddie, Tommy, Max, Sunny

Nini pointing out a plane, or a satellite...or maybe a UFO.
Sunny instructed all of us to get out our "'noculars" so we could
see it better.  Make a circle of your fingers, put them up to your
eyes, and look through your noculars.
Yep, we all did it, too. 

Karen, telling the story of "Gertrude, My Pet Goat."
If you knew our mom, you may at some time have been
treated to her rendition of the story.  We all
remember her telling that story, and it's one of those
things that no matter how many times we heard her tell it,
we laughed and laughed and laughed. 
Not only was the story funny,
but even more than that, it was so 
outside her box to do such a thing.  It just amazed us
and kept us forever laughing.

The end of March we went to Lubbock for about three weeks to take care of doctor appointments, taxes, house stuff, etc., as well as to spend time with family and friends.  It went by fast!  We got a lot accomplished, and we had a great time.

Then back to Brownwood--

Pulling into our spot there at Karen and Greg's, we got a little too close to a fence post.  Oops.  Kissing between posts and Gypsy Turtles does not come out well.

But....we were able to get a body shop guy to come out to us, and he got us fixed up. 

One day Karen and I took the three oldest kids to the Abilene Zoo.  That was a hoot of a day.  And such an interesting endeavor.  Request for first potty break happened before we even got to Brownwood.  We stopped at a convenience store, and Karen and I did rock / paper / scissors to determine who would take the two inside that needed to go and who would stay in the truck with the one who didn't.  I lost.  But before I barely got the two inside to the bathroom, here she came with the other one because that one didn't want to be left out.  Karen told me before we started the trip that bathroom breaks were going to be a frequent and interesting part of the trip.  She wasn't lying. 

The second potty break happened on the side of the road.  I'll just let you use your imagination.

First (official after potty) stop was McDonald's.  They had a blast.  I think they would have been tickled pink just to have made that the day's activity


Notice Sunny without her socks.  The posted rules said children
must wear socks.  I tried to explain that to her.  She quickly
pointed out another little girl who did not have socks on.  I again
tried reasoning.  You can see who won.
Karen thought that was funny.

Easter was family lunch at Karen and Greg's followed by Easter egg coloring and then a traditional hunt.  Yes, you heard right.  Easter egg coloring.  With a 5-year-old, 2-year-old and 1-year-old.  Stripped littlest ones down to their undies, pulled out a lot of paper towels for mopping up the messes and had a blast!
Then Easter eggs (and toys and raisins and other less sugary fun stuff), here we come!

Tommy and Stephanie

Jesse, Avery, Tommy, Sunny, Lynlee


Every time I see Tommy, he greets me with an enthusiastic "Hello, Paula!"
and a big smile.  He never meets a stranger, and he's such an
inquisitive and smart little boy.  He may be outnumbered
by all these pretty little girls, but they all adore him and
call him Bubba.  Couldn't ask for a better little guy
for them to look up to.

The Easter Bunny brought confetti eggs!

Lynlee says, "Mama, I do it!"

Greg and Ruger


Brother Terry, digging through the Easter bootie when the kids' backs
are turned, looking for his favorites.

Ron and Buddie
The next week, Karen and I got to attend one of Tommy's t-ball practices. 

Tommy plays catcher and pitcher.

Of course where Bubba goes, so goes Sister.  This is her sweet look.

And this is her Pitcher-Psych-Out-the-Batter look.
It would sure work on me.

Run Tommy run!

Greg and Karen's sheep herd had more babies during the month of April than any month previously.  Those little things are pretty darn cute and keep us entertained. 

Daisy the Donkey and Thomason and Llama - Protectors of the Herd

Yellow-headed blackbirds

Karen, you know those things spit, right?

Karen's picture of home.  I loved it.

This is why country kids learn how to drive at a young age.

Jessica's picture.  Another reason to love the country life.

We headed out on our big summer adventure on Tuesday, May 6.  We got as far as Las Cruces, NM., on Wednesday, May 7.  Truck breakdown.  Big time.  But I'll save that story for another day.  Right now the important thing is we are both safe, we're in a sweet little RV park with people who have been super helpful at every turn, the Chevy dealership here is working hard to get us fixed up, and we are blessed. 

Until next time...take care!

Max and Paula

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